
Faculty of Education Workshop

Faculty of Education Workshop UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA FACULTY OF EDUCATION Faculty of Education Workshop Announcement Faculty of Education, University of Nigeria Nsukka in collaboration with State University of New York (SUNY) Oswego, USA is organizing a 2-day Train-the-Trainer workshop for capacity building and up skilling of newly recruited and intermediate Lecturers on                                      Online Instructional Delivery The workshop will cover: Online (Synchronous and asynchronous) course design, development and implementation Open Education Resource (OER) Grant writing and project implementation International academic and 21 st  century productivity skills for academics Date :            ...
.                    INCEST  It started in us a craving A worldly spire; from our little plays of extended family grace  developing by an inchmeal A crave in our childish naiveness to be amongst twisted comforts beneath our bed spread- uncanny and naked’ bemused by the warmth of an affection from television scenes replayed in imagery while exploring geographies; each on the other as the sun shone so bright to betray the powerful reflectiveness of the granite and so we were like the granites exposed in our firm- planted not on family cordiality but on items of our continuous explores we faced a strenuous refute; for we were seen in an atrocity of many forms and for most of it all: we were kin
Dark of the moon  …still falling down…no light at the end of the tunnel, I have been so down it looks like up to me, my very own perspective of being ahead; down in my shell of desolation, my comfort zone; sinking into the bitter drink of complacency, just because of a false dream and an over confident mind.   A mind that takes control of its own direction leading me into an unknown destination only to abandon me there to receive the retribution of its action…no salvation, no solace, just pain and regret; just looking up at the darkness of the moon
Point Past; I was at a point where I cried at the environment and it stared at me in silence, I was at a point where love was the order of the day, I was at a point where all I ever wanted was God, peace and family, I was at a point where I was scared of death, I was at a point where I wanted to grow up and be like daddy; fearless as he was, there was a point where I wanted so badly to follow my dreams and passion; to be the best I could be , I   was   a point where my heart was lovely and red; Present; I am at a point where I forgot about my dreams my passion and even my hope, I am a point where I didn’t know if I wanted love anymore, I am at a point where I left all I wanted before ‘God ,peace and family’ and wanted women, fame and fashion,   I am at a point where my emotions no longer made me feel at my very best but became a knife constantly stabbing me on the heart, I am at the point where tears wouldn’t come forth at my world being broken down, I am at a po...
fallen I saw a light drifting apart from me, its iridescent nature so overwhelming that I couldn’t think this light came from the the depths of me…shame washed over me as I wept my eyes to the point of depression; I was the light and was begging for darkness…oh what a shame to be a person of light wearing a dark cloak…a fallen angel..a lost soul…sometimes I wonder how  this started in the first place; too bad I can't know,   falling without knowing the source…does this mean I can't rise; that am meant to stay down forever … everything looking sideways, guess things are meant to be this way, in a falling version scenery.
Castaway Have you ever been in a crowd but yet still felt alone? Searched for something worthwhile and never found it, wanted something so bad; you would still let it blind you of your goals…and then it would still feel like pain when you find it, compromising your happiness; choking the light in you, and all you can do is watch it happen before your eyes…disintegrating…no hope, no help, just that darkness within it; confusion, despair, pain.    cloaked with an inverted smile; walking on the road…holding in mind that this might be my last walk as a castaway.
My Heart My heart, a red part of my main being…so strong yet so fragile, it carries all the extra load I take off my mind….and damn its full and still holding on, sometimes I try to get the load off me but its hurts more when I try to; it’s like removing a human sized tumor of the chest….what a heart I got; full of self-doubt, disbelieve and fading views, I appeal to it to get me on track and it tell me” if am crooked like this how can I save you…am looking up to you to set me straight”…and this becomes my cycle of fading views…unpredictable distrust…am feeling so high on the heart drug..##**…blurring visions, unrealistic emptiness, what a heart I got; sometimes you fall in love with the wrong things, maybe that’s why I fell for her …, and we had to share the pain because I couldn’t watch you tear yourself apart sadly I couldn’t handle it too; had to die with you; now we both dead maybe we will come back again and probably die all over again and you will do so knowing I’ll always b...